Saturday, May 29, 2010

I've been home for a month

It has been almost a month since I have written on my blog. Since being home I have continued to eat healthy and continued to get exercise into my day. It has been fun taking my family to the grocery store to shop and teach them what to look for in the ingredients list on products before we buy them. I have noticed that the fruit and veggies in my home are disappearing faster than usual which is a very good thing.
One of the first things I did after arriving home was to go through my closet and get rid of pants that no longer fit me. It was fun and also very motivating. I'm pulling out clothes that I haven't worn in a very long time only to find out that they are baggy (feels really good).
I am looking into joining gyms because I really miss the classes that I did at Fitness Ridge and doing the treadmill is getting a little boring.
I will continue to blog because it keeps me going on the path that I started in April. Thanks to all of you for your continued support. It helps more than you know. I promise that it won't be a month before I post something new.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Days at Fitness Ridge

I haven't written in the blog for the last couple of days due to staying after dinner for a lecture series from Emily the nutritionist. I had these classes the 1st week I arrived, but I wanted a refresher. This week has been amazing. We have had quite a few people from previous "Biggest Loser" seasons here because St. George is having the Ironman on May 1st and there is a fitness festival that they are involved with. I have enjoyed all my classes this week although the pool was a little cold the last couple of days due to the weather being pretty cold. On Friday I met with Jon one of the trainers here and he helped me put together a free weight training plan that I can do at home. All the trainers here have been amazing and so inspirational. The experience I have had at Biggest Loser Fitness Ridge will be life changing for me. I have made some lifelong friends and I'm looking forward to continuing this journey along with them.
My last day was Saturday May 1st and due to the Ironman being held we are not able to hike because the Snow canyon roads are closed. There was a fitness festival being held at the Ivins park that included a 5 and 10K so, everyone that wanted to could registered to do the 10K. I did the 10K with Ivyy, Maria, and Jennifer(some great friends I have made here). I couldn't believe that I was actually going to do it. We started a 6:30 in the morning and finished approximately 8:45am. We walked the whole thing and it was such an incredible feeling to walk over the finish line. I met up with my parents at the finish line and when I gave them a hug I completely fell apart. I think it is because of the rush you get when you complete something that you thought was impossible for you to do.
The support I have had during this past month has been incredible. I couldn't have done this without everyone's love and support. So I would like to say "THANK YOU" to everyone. I love you all and I will continue this journey at home.

The pictures that follow are of: Ivyy, Maria and me after the 10K, Mom and Dad with Filepe from Biggest Loser, and Me with Filepe and Sione.

My results for the month: lost 22 pounds and 21 inches.
Thanks Fitness Ridge..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

end of week 3 and the beginning of week 4

I haven't blogged for a few days due to being very tired when I get home and also due not making the time when my sisters were here. Last Friday and Saturday were both very good days. On Friday I went on a beautiful hike call "Fern Gully", the only thing that was not great was that there was sooooo much sand. The sand is like walking in the sand dunes for miles. You sink up to your ankles with every step. The scenery however was beautiful. I'm getting really close with a couple of people that I hike with everyday and also the guides. They are so much fun and we help push each other. The exercises class were also fun on Friday: Pool was a lot of dancing in the pool, circuit was the same and total body conditioning is getting much easier for me. Lori and Mom picked me up from Fitness Ridge today and they got to meet Brittney from Biggest Loser season 5. She is going home on Sunday and we have become quite close. It is hard for me to see her go. Played cards with the family on Friday and had some good laughs. It is so good to be with my family.

Saturday was only a 1/2 day which started with a hike to "Galoot". This is the third time that I have done this hike, but this day was a little bit different. The first time I did this hike was my first week and I had a fellow FR guest by the name of Len with me both times. The first time he didn't make it very far, but on Saturday he told me he wanted to do the whole thing. I stayed with him for most of the hike to give him encouragement and he made it through the entire thing. I was so proud of him and also of me because it was an easy hike for me today compared to the 1st time I did it. It feels so great that I am getting stronger. After the hike I had a stretch class and the day was done. Went shopping with Mom and all the sisters Saturday afternoon. We ended up in a store that carried my size clothing and my wonderful sisters purchased two new shirts for me and a necklace. It was really fun to try on clothing that was smaller than I normally wear and have it fit. I have such a great and supportive family and I tell them "thank you" enough.

Sunday: A day of rest. Went to FR for breakfast and took Lori and Julie with me. They got to meet some of the people that I have been spending everyday with and they said it was really inspiring to meet and listen to them talk. We took some pictures at the Biggest Loser sign and then went home. Janet flew out early this morning. Lori and Julie also left to go back home. The rest of the day was very relaxing. Just read and took a nap. Getting ready for my last week.
Monday and Tuesday of week 4: I can't believe that I'm already in week 4. It has gone so fast, but I'm feeling so much better about myself. Monday was a hike that I had been on 2 times before, but never made the entire loop due to time. I guess 3rd time is the charm because I made the entire 7 miles. So excited and felt really good to hit a goal. The rest of the day was more of the same exercise classes that we have daily. Monday's always seem to be the hardest classes and consequently I'm really tired and rundown on Tuesday's. Today was another good hike with fabulous views. The classes seem to be getting easier or I'm getting stronger. Here are a few pictures I took within the last 4 days. Night all.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 3: Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday: woke up to a cold and rainy day. We have all been assigned to hikes everyday now instead of being able to chose the one you want to take. The advantage of this is that I'm now forced to get out of my comfort zone and possible do hikes that I think are out of my physical ability and find out that I am strong enough to do them. Our hike today was called camelback, but because of the rain they think there is too much water in an area of it and impossible for my group to handle. Instead we went on overlook, which is a paved trail going down and an incline all the way back. It was okay other than it being really cold and wet. I had a stretch class after the hike and I always love that class. Lunch was BBQ pizza and beet soup..I don't care for the beet soup, but the pizza was good. Afternoon classes were mountain, pool, and kickboxing. I felt like all of them were easier for me, either the trainer was being easier on us or I'm getting stronger and have more endurance. Overall it was a good day. Mom and Dad picked me up after dinner and they had a surprise with them, my sister Janet flew in today to surprise me. It is so great to see her. I haven't seen her for at least 2 years. Thanks Janet for taking the time out of your life to come and support me. I love you very much.

Thursday: Another cold and rainy day. My hike is called West Canyon and is a gravel trail through some beautiful country. I am really tired today because I didn't go to bed at a decent hour last night. I talked to Bob, Jessica and Alex before the hike and for some reason just couldn't get them out of my mind during the hike and my knees were really hurting today. I called Bob while doing the hike because I was by myself and broke down a little with him. I have been really strong this whole time but, for some reason hit a wall today. Thanks Bob for being there for me this morning. I had a swim class after the hike that put me back in a good mood. Also met with a life coach today that was very helpful because I don't want to get back home and not continue this journey. Lunch today was a turkey sandwich and mushroom soup (both very good). My afternoon classes are ballworks, treading, and pool. Ballworks and treading are probably two of the most intense classes here. I can't believe that week 3 is almost done. Dinner was a stuffed pepper that was okay not great. I had a wonderful surprise when I went to the parking lot to go home tonight.....All of my sisters came into town to support me. WOW!! It was a teary reunion in the BL Fitness Ridge parking lot. I then took my whole family on a tour of the place. It was really great to get in the car and have my parents and siblings there. Thanks everyone for taking the time out of your lives to come and support me. Love you all very much.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 3: Monday and Tuesday

Monday started out like every other Monday. We have quite a few new people this week and we were assigned a hike. I went on barrel roll (not my favorite), but it was approximately 5 miles of winding around a brush covered hill. It was a very hot hike today, but I took the advice of one of the trainers and she said to where my headset and I wouldn't hear myself breathing which should make it easier to hike. She was so right. I did very well today. One of my fellow hikers got sick in the middle of the hike and I felt so bad for her because we had approximately 2 miles to walk back to the van. We all think that she came down with the flu. After the hike I did a mountain class on the recumbent bike (thought my legs were going to fall off). Lunch today was chili and a corn muffin. My afternoon classes were pool, step and pump, and circuit training. Overall a really good day.

Tuesday: I was assigned a hike today that is called Reversed White Rock. It was a hike that went down over some lava rock and then turned into a lot of sand. It was a beautiful hike and I loved it. We did run into a rattle snake today however, the hike guide almost stepped on it. We just stood there and took pictures while it made its way across the path and then we continued on. I did pool after the hike which always feel great after a long hike. After lunch I had pool, circuit intervals, and then total body toning. Everyone in my group seemed to be really tired today so the last 15 minutes of toning class the trainer turned into stretch class. It was wonderful. The days here seem to be flying by and I feel that things are getting easier each week. Thanks again to everyone for their support. Love you all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 2: Friday and Saturday

Friday started with open gym time or kickboxing. I chose to do open gym because kickboxing at 6am is just too early. The hike followed and I did one that I previously did last week called West Canyon. Beautiful scenery and a walk that is approximately 7 miles round trip. I did much better this time because I went much farther and at a quicker pace. My breathing is what I have a hard time with. It seems to be getting easier each week and that excites me.
Cardio intervals followed the hike and then lunch. After lunch was a class on prep for next week. There are about 20 of us that will continue on with this journey next week. It amazing how close you become with the people that are here. Everyone is always encouraging each other.
Circuit training came next followed by cardio disco jam (fun class, but also a good workout), and the last class was pool (Fridays in the pool are pretty easy) where we played games.
Food for the day: Parfait for breakfast (I opted for toast and almonds), lunch was ceasar salad and parsnip soup, dinner was a turkey burger and for dessert cranberry sorbet. My pictures today were just of of the hike and the two girls are Zoya and Ivy (great friends..will miss you Zoya).

Saturday is always just a half day. You have the choice of hiking or doing a last chance workout in the gym with a trainer. I did the gym. I spent 1 1/2 hours on the bike doing mountain and then treading (both great workouts). Then we did circuit training followed by an aerobics workout. I had approximately a 1/2 hour to change before I ended my workout in the pool. In the pool she had us doing a lot of upper body and core work.
We then had lunch and after that the rest of the day was free time. Dad picked me up and I just relaxed for the rest of the day. Went to a couple of stores with mom and then back to Fitness Ridge for dinner and graduation.
At graduation you get to see a DVD of everyone doing their activities for the week and people can pass the microphone around to share what their week was like. It is very emotional for some and also very inspirational. We all then receive a reward for attending every class depending on what week you are finishing.
You receive a t-shirt for your first week, hat for the second, gym bag for the third, and a Brooks jacket for the fourth week. It is amazing what people will do for a t-shirt..LOL!
After graduation about 25 of us went bowling. It was a lot of fun and a chance to do something together besides workout.
Then end of another great week. The only thing that I hate about the end of the week is saying goodbye to those people that are leaving and you have become very close to. Sunday is a rest day...YEAH!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 2: Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday started out with a 6am class called yogalaties. This was my first experience with yoga, I liked some of the things we did, but not all. Breakfast followed and I chose to have granola with almond milk and fruit.
My hike today was called "3rd ravine". It was hiking up a ravine and making it into a really cool cave. This hike was the most challenging one that I have taken and it kicked my butt, but I was also very proud of myself for making it. Everyone here is so positive and encouraging. If someone is having a difficult time on a hike or exercise class they will here nothing but encouraging words from those around them.
Lunch today was pumpkin soup and greek pizza. After lunch I had approximately one and a half hours to relax. Last week during this time I attending lectures or cooking demos. This week is a repeat of those so it is really nice to have some free time to relax by the pool or hang out with new friends just talking.
My 3 afternoon classes were pool, kick boxing, and mountain (using a piece of cardio equipment and increasing the intensity level 12 different times in 45 minutes). All three classes were intense, but I feel really great when I'm done.
Dinner was a very yummy salmon fillet with orzo and veggies.
Very tired all day, but I know that it will all be worth it.

Thursday was another early day. I didn't do the class, but instead did open gym. I was on a bike for 45 minutes before breakfast.
Breakfast today was an egg sandwich with turkey bacon and a little bit of cheese sprinkled on top. Hike followed breakfast and I took one that was call "overlook". It is a hike that you can just put your Ipod on and go at your own speed. It was just what I needed after yesterdays hike. Stretch class followed the hike and our trainer for this great. I'm sure that all the stretching we do has saved us all from being extremely sore.
Lunch was french onion soup, salad, and a greek pita. After lunch it was relaxing time, which was very nice.
My afternoon classes were treading (cardio), pool, and followed by a class called "ballworks", Nicole was the trainer and she doesn't even give you a 15 second breather. It was a tough class, but I made it through.
Dinner was chicken breast with wild rice and peach cobbler for dessert.
Today was the first day that I'm starting to notice that my clothes are starting to feel looser..YEAH!!!
As always very tired so, I'm going to bed now.
I truly believe that this place is changing my life.